Snoop Dogg's Impact On The US Olympic Team

Why Team USA brought one of the most famous rappers of all time into their Olympic camp in Paris

✍️ Coming up in today’s edition:

  1. One quick win: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s time-saving framework

  2. One proven system: Steal MIT Sloan’s system for team motivation

  3. One million-dollar question: To release an untapped team resource


The ability to manage time is not innate.

However it is critical when you become responsible for your team's performance and well-being. 

Your legacy as a leader will be determined by where you choose to spend your time. 

The real test is to appear approachable and be fully present with your team, whilst structuring your day in effective time blocks.

So we looked into how one of the most successful entrepreneurs and athletes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, has been able to build a net worth of $800m and perform at the highest level 👇


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shares his day-to-day #routine. #CNBC #TheRock #adayinthelife

You can see in that clip the importance of surrounding yourself with great people and maintaining your daily anchors.

When you have assembled great people around you, here is THE framework to use:

The RAD Framework: 

This framework is one of the most effective time management techniques in order to succeed when circumstances change, or an unforeseen interruption presents a hidden opportunity for growth or innovation.

Apply the following 3 principles to buy back more of your time 👇

  1. Remove 

My schedule can often get filled with meetings that I’ve been added to that don’t serve my bigger goals. 

You can be seen as a safety blanket for your team in both internal and external meetings. 

But your time is precious. So the first step is to remove meetings that I’m not uniquely needed for. 

If they can’t be removed, see if the fat can be trimmed and the meeting be 50% shorter in length. 

Most meetings can be halved in length without losing the impact or outcomes.

  1. Automate

With the rise of AI, most business tools you use will allow you to automate tasks. 

For example, you can now create an automation that monitors inventory levels in real-time, automatically reorders stock when it reaches a predefined threshold, and then updates records.

This also significantly reduces the likelihood of human error. 

The best tool for this on the market in my opinion is ClickUp. No sponsored ad - the tool is just incredible. You’ll thank me later! 

  1. Delegate 

Delegation is about recognising the value of your time and passing off tasks that cost you more time than they’re worth.

Some easy examples: 

  • Client follow-ups post meeting

  • Taking meeting minutes and sharing internally 

  • Drafting responses for routine inquiries

Use the Eisenhower Matrix to ensure you are only doing the tasks and meetings in which you are uniquely positioned to do.  

Give this process a try, and see if it works for you.


Have you heard of the human motivation Theory X and Theory Y

Don’t worry, I hadn’t either until we were introduced to this concept on the UK Marketing Leadership Academy back in 2019.

The two theories were created and developed by Douglas McGregor at the MIT Sloan School of Management in the 1960s. Here is a quick overview of each:

  1. Theory X: People are naturally lazy and will dodge work whenever possible. To keep them on track, you need tight supervision, strict control systems, and a rigid hierarchy. Without juicy incentives, they lack ambition and shirk responsibility.

  2. Theory Y: People are naturally driven and capable of self-management. When given the right environment, they strive to excel and don’t need threats to perform well. Managers should focus on creating a space where employees can leverage their skills and solve problems effectively.

In essence, Theory X presents a negative view of employees as naturally unmotivated and hating work whereas Theory Y offers an optimistic view that sees employees as eager to improve and contribute positively when given the chance.

This video from leadership expert, Simon Sinek, highlights the power of positive reinforcement and the importance of challenging negative perceptions about underperformers 👇

When you become a leader, you have to make a decision about what theory you adopt. 

Trying to do a bit of both can be extremely confusing for your team and makes decision-making much harder. 

Theory Y is the winner for me as I truly believe people can find a career they enjoy and when they do, they are naturally motivated to get better.

For sure can build a team using Theory X. But it’s not the kind of business I want to spend my days working in.

Which theory do you subscribe to?

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It is important for leadership teams to check each other so you don’t go down a path of a negative narrative that becomes self-fulfilling. 

Positive reinforcement is so much more powerful than catching your team doing something wrong. 


Life’s best moments happen when you’re having a blast with others. You feed off each other’s energy. 

So, what can you do to laugh, gasp, scream, or smile together?

Team USA basketball have shown a togetherness like no other throughout the Olympics, repeatedly coming from behind to win games.

This clip from behind the scenes at the games shows exactly why that team culture is so strong (and who doesn’t love a bit of a Snoop Dogg at this year’s games!)

What can you do next week to inject some fun into your team? 


For your performance:

  • A breakdown of how Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps learned to handle extreme pressure (YouTube)

  • A fascinating tennis study about what separates the top 5 in the world vs those that are in the top 25 (Insta)

For your team:

  • Peter Thiel on the difference between being a great founder and a great CEO (X)

  • Why Coach Auriemma will bench players based on their body language, not performance (ESPN)

For your health:


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